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During pregnancy your body is undergoing rapid changes both physically and mentally. We understand just how over whelming this may be and we’re here to support you be ready to give birth.

Pre-Natal Check

Learn about your pelvic floor and how best to support your changing body during pregnancy. 


We will carry out an individualised assessment and tailor a treatment plan to target your specific needs. 


Learn lots of practical advice & education:

  • Pregnancy Prep: Learn to exercise safely during pregnancy & avoid pregnancy related injuries

  • Powerful Pelvis: Support your pelvic girdle 

  • Pelvic Floor: Connect with your pelvic floor before baby arrives 

  • Birth Prep: Active Birthing Positions,  Understand the stages of Labour, Breathing Techniques, Mindfulness & Hypnobirthing

  • Perineal Massage: To Reduce the risk of episiotomy tears 


You'll leave with:

  • Step by step home exercise protocols

  • Personalised home exercise videos

  • Hands on treatment

  • Product recommendations (if required) 

Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy related pain can occur in as many as 1 in 4 women.


This includes:


  • Pelvic Girdle Pain - SIJ, Pubic Symphysis

  • Low back 

  • Upper Back Pain

  • Rib Cage Pain


We will carry out an individualised assessment and tailor a treatment plan to target your specific needs. 


Treatments include a combination of:


  • Practical advice 

  • Hands on manual therapy 

  • Step by step home exercise protocols

  • Personalised home exercise video

  • Childbirth preparation

  • Product recommendations (if required) 


Together we’ll help you to manage your pain and improve your quality of living as your prepare for child birth.

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor consists of a group of muscles that lie at the base of the pelvis.


Pelvic floor issues can occur at any age but are more common during pregnancy, postnatally, menopause and aging

Pelvic Floor 

Common Pelvic Floor problems that we treat at Physiofit include:


  • Leakage of urine, wind or stools

  • Bladder or stool urgency

  • Pelvic Organs Prolapse 

  • Lower back or pelvic pain

  • Lack of sensation with sexual intercourse

  • Pain and/or discomfort with sexual intimacy, vaginal examinations or with tampon use

Our discreet, professional service includes thoroughly listening to your storey before preforming a specialised pelvic floor & musculoskeletal assessment. We will help you to understand your pelvic floor and the reasons why it may be contributing to your problem. 

Physiotherapy Treatment may include:


  • Muscle Release Techniques

  • Relaxation & Breathing

  • Pelvic Floor Strengthening Program 

  • Biofeedback

  • Bladder Retraining


You will leave with:


  • A better awareness of your problem

  • Education & Lots of Practical Advice

  • Step by step home exercise program

  • Personalised home exercise video

New Mum

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! 


During pregnancy & child birth your body goes through many changes. Sometimes adjusting to a new body can be very difficult for some women. 

Mummy MOT

At Physiofit we love to help you reconnect with your body and carve out the necessary time to feel good within. 

We recommend having a full postnatal MOT for new mums who delivered their baby either vaginally or via c-section to help maximize their recovery post-delivery. 


Our specialised post natal assessment includes: 


  • Full Lumbo-Pelvic & Postural Screening

  • Pelvic floor assessment

  • Abdominal muscle exam to test for separation (Diastasis Recti)

  • Screening for bladder, bowel, sexual dysfunction

  • C-Scar Assessment


You’ll leave with:


  • A better awareness of your problem

  • Practical advice & education 

  • Step by step home exercise program

  • Personalised home exercise video

  • A progressive pelvic floor strengthening program 

  • Advice on safe, appropriate exercise

  • Guidelines on returning to moderate - high impact exercise 

We always say; ‘Once post natal – always post natal!’ At Physiofit, we often see mum weeks, months and sometimes years after the birth of their baby. We believe it’s never too late to connect with, align & strengthen your body. 


Mummy & Me 

Mummy Fit is a support platform for new mums to understand their new bodies, own their anatomy & create safe, appropriate strength from within. This 4 part series of mobility, strengthen & stability their bodies is specific to the requirement of the post natal body. 


  • Exclusively Online

  • Community Support Hub

  • Suitable from 6-8 weeks post natal (following 6 week check up)


Session 1 – Own your anatomy


Evaluate your Breath

•    Re align your spine, pelvic & trunk
•    Pressure Management 
•    Pelvic Floor  (Self-Test, Isolations & Contractions)
•    In action stress reduction


Session 2 – Stabilise Yourself

•    Screen you abdomen
•    Find your deep inner core  (Transverse Abdominis)
Stabilise your centre 
•    Prolapse Education (Voiding & Defecating Techniques, Lifting under tension, Intercourse) 
•    Scar Tissue Mobilisation (C-Section & Perineum) 

Session 3 – Lets Move

•    Sleep Hygiene
•    Progress your Core Strength
•    Post Natal Mobility Routine
•    Bladder Habits Education
•    Pelvic Floor progression


Session  4 – Turn up the heat!

•    Progression of core stability & pelvic floor
•    Progression of pelvic floor exercise
•    Guidelines on returning to moderate - high impact exercise 
•    Screen tools for returning to moderate - high impact exercise


Suitable for:

•    Pelvic Organ Prolapse
•    Incontinency
•    Pelvic Girdle Pain
•    Diastasis Recti
•    Thoracic & Rib Pain 
•    Carpal Tunnel Pain 
•    Lower Back & Neck Pain 
•    Fatigue & Sleep Disruption
•    Post Natal Depression 

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