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Physiotherapy for Pain

Pain is very complex and there are many common misconceptions out there regarding pain. When someone experiences pain on a daily basis it can be a major cause of stress and it can consequently affect every aspect of a person’s life.


Through her study with Peter O’Sullivan at Curtin University in 2016, Niamh has developed a deep understanding of the effects of pain on the body and brain. 

She aims to embrace the latest science and turn it into easily digestible information and strategies to manage and treat pain. Niamh adopts a cognitive functional approach in every treatment, both acute and chronic. This means looking at the individual person and how that injury is affecting your biology and is impacting your life. 


This method of physiotherapy assessment and treatment is known as the biopsychosocial model of healthcare and it has been shown to be the most effective and heavily supported by medical literature. 

Niamh always creates unique pathways for each and every person to help them manage their pain and best treat their condition. Helping people in long term pain is the aspect of her work that provides her with most joy and job satisfaction. 

Excellence in Manual Therapy

We provide effective hands-on manual therapy when indicated to optimise the rehabilitation process. Manual therapy involves specific joint and soft tissue mobilisations and joint manipulations.  


As musculoskeletal physiotherapists we actively engage in on-going professional development to offer the highest standard of care to patients. 


Having completed post graduate training in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy at Curtain University, Perth, Australia, with the internationally recognised Manual Concepts, Niamh now assists with the organisation of their training courses in Ireland. 
Being involved in on going education, research and professional development with an international organisation enables Niamh to bring a wide spectrum of up-to-date knowledge and research to her patients in Nenagh. 



Low Back Pain

At Physiofit we specialise in the treatment of Low Back Pain and Spinal Injuries. Having completed post graduate training in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy at Curtain University, Perth, Australia, with the internationally recognised Manual Concepts,  Niamh and her team of musculoskeletal physiotherapists are highly equipped to assess, diagnose and treat your back pain. 


We provide safe, effective, hands-on Manual therapy, including specific joint and soft tissue mobilisations and joint manipulations, to optimise the rehabilitation process. 


What to expect during your Physiotherapy Appointment: 


  • We look at your individual biomechanics, movement patterns and discuss how your lifestyle (i.e. Occupations & Hobbies) maybe be placing any stress or strain on your body


  • We take into account just how much your injury is affecting your biology and is impacting your life. 


  • We carry out a comprehensive assessment to analyse your movement and a number of special tests for the spine to assess your joints, soft tissue and nerve structures.


  • Once we establish a diagnosis, we thoroughly explain your injury & we help you to demystify some of the concerns that you may have regarding your spine. 


  • We will create an individualised treatment plan for your particular problem and use a combination of education, exercise, manual therapy and other treatment modalities to optimise your recovery.


Niamh now assists Manual Concepts with the organisation of their training courses in Ireland.Being involved in on going education, research and professional development with an international organisation enables Niamh to bring a wide spectrum of up-to-date knowledge and research to her patients in Nenagh.

Neck Pain & Headaches

We know just how debilitating neck pain can be and as one of the most common complaints that presents to our clinic in Nenagh, we have a special interest in the treatment of neck pain, headaches, whiplash & migraine. 

Our physios are well equipped to help you reduce pain, regain range of motion and prevent reoccurrence. 

We provide safe, effective, hands-on Manual therapy, including specific joint and soft tissue mobilisations and joint manipulations, to optimise the rehabilitation process. 


What to expect during your Physiotherapy Appointment: 


  • We look at your individual biomechanics, movement patterns and discuss how your lifestyle (i.e. Occupations & Hobbies) maybe be placing any stress or strain on your body

  • We take into account just how much your injury is affecting your biology and is impacting your life. 

  • We carry out a comprehensive assessment to analyse your movement and a number of special tests for the neck to assess your cervical joints, soft tissue and nerve structures.

  • Once we establish a diagnosis, we thoroughly explain your injury & we help you to demystify some of the concerns that you may have regarding your injury. 

  • We will create an individualised treatment plan for your particular problem and use a combination of education, exercise, manual therapy and other treatment modalities to optimise your recovery.


Neck pain does not need to be a recurring hindrance in your life. Let us help you.  To make an appointment to treat you neck pain with one of our physiotherapists please contact us on: 086 8334111.


Pre Operative Physiotherapy 

If you have concerns regarding your mobility and are unsure whether or not you require orthopaedic surgery , we’re here to help! Our physiotherapists are skilled in assessing the mobility, strength and stability of your joints. We will pre asses your joint function and help you create an action plan that bests your goals.


This may indeed involve a referral for further investigations or interventions or you may in fact benefit from subtle lifestyle adjustments and a targeted exercise program to strengthen & mobilise the affected area. 


If you’re preparing to undergo surgery, we encourage individuals to be as physically fit, strong and mobile as possible. We work to help people achieve a more optimal pre surgical state while  protecting the injured site.


Having gained invaluable experience working in an Acute Hospital setting in Orthopaedics Niamh is experienced in working with people who suffer with arthritic knee and hip pain. 

Surgical / Fracture Rehabilitation

Post surgical rehabilitation may be necessary for a variety of surgical procedures including orthopaedic, thoracic, cardiac, neurological, abdominal, and gynaecological surgery. Many types of surgery present with a number of post operative consequences and can benefit from physiotherapy support. 

Anyone who has had surgery or has been immobilised following a fracture and is experiencing pain, stiffness, reduced balance and coordination, muscle weakness, reduced mobility, low exercise tolerance and reduced independence will benefit from a rehabilitation programme when they have been discharged from hospital. 


Healing following a fracture or surgery can have both physical and psychological effects which may influence your recovery and cause frustration and anxiety. 


  • Our physiotherapist’s will carry out a comprehensive assessment of the individuals needs and take all your concerns, worries and beliefs into consideration. 

  • We will work with you to create short and long-term goals to help you to maximise your recovery potential and reduce any secondary problems to surgery. 


If you have had surgery and would like to book an assessment with one of our physiotherapist’s then please call 086 8334111 to make an appointment today. 


Surgical / Fracture Rehabilitation


Care of the Elderly

At Physiofit we love to work with elderly patients helping them offset age related decline in their muscles and joints and to optimise their quality and enjoyment of life. We will carry out a full physical assessment and work with you and to set realistic short and long term goals. 



  • The physiotherapists at Physiofit will develop a personalised treatment programme to help you achieve the following outcomes:

  • Regaining your independence 

  • Reducing the risk of falling

  • Maintaining your muscle strength

  • Balance and walking re-education

  • Restoring your confidence

  • Improving your quality of life

  • Helping you to carry out activities of daily living 

  • Improving mobility indoors and outdoors


Orthotics or Insoles are devices that are inserted in shoes to correct an abnormal alignment of the foot. The type of insole required will depend on your specific problem and you will need to have a thorough biomechanical assessment to decide what the most appropriate insole is to suit your needs. 


Our lead Physiotherapist, Niamh Egan, has a special interest in Biomechanics and enjoys using this knowledge in her teaching role as Lecturer in Biomechanics at TUS (Technical University of the Shannon, formerly LIT) 


Some of the conditions that may be treated using an insole include:


  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Over pronated feet (flat feet)

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Inflammation on the arches of the feet

  • Corns/ bunions

  • Hammer toes/ Mallet toes

  • Metatarsalgia (pain around the ball of the foot)

  • Shin splints

  • Morton’s neuroma (swelling of the nerve between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals)


At Physiofit, we have a wide range of insoles & custom made orthotics available to purchase. Following a biomechanically assessment with our Chartered Physiotherapists, Pre-fabricated Insoles are available to purchase at the clinic. Custom Orthotics are tailored specifically to your foot and take approx 4 weeks to engineer. 

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